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Rapid Access (Within 24 hours)

At Specialist Breast Cancer Surgery, we endeavour to provide rapid access for patients who have been newly diagnosed with breast cancer or patients presenting with a breast lump, breast symptom or imaging abnormality suspicious for breast cancer.

We will make every effort to ensure that patients are seen within a 24-hour period during business hours.

While this will usually not affect the outcome, it certainly will provide significant psychological support for patients and their families. Women in general will indicate that it is the fear of the unknown that significantly impacts on their psychological state.

Once the surgeon has been seen and a diagnosis is made, a management plan can be formulated.

In the advent that a suspicious lump is biopsied at the time of consultation, the specialist breast pathologist will endeavour to return the results within a 24-hour time frame. This rapid transition and diagnosis is extremely important in alleviating women’s fears.

Analysis of the cancer specimen (biopsy of the lump or imaging abnormality) under the microscope by the specialist pathologist is crucial to determine what further treatment is required.

The rapid turnaround of the pathological specimen is crucial, importantly in women who have benign or non-cancerous lesions getting a rapid result will give them reassurance and reduce the anxiety experienced with the unknown. Women who, unfortunately, are diagnosed with the cancer can receive immediate information and management can be formulated immediately.

Patients who have a known new diagnosis of breast cancer may contact us directly and make an urgent appointment.

In some circumstances, the patient’s GP will contact the breast cancer surgeon on the patient’s behalf.

We will endeavour to streamline the patient’s management as much as possible to reduce the number of consultations that are required and to ensure that all other investigations are undertaken in a timely manner.